Saturday, March 24, 2007
2:38 PM ;

Took all these when we went to the TAMPINES IKEA. :D

Friday, March 23, 2007
11:56 PM ;

YEAH! IT FEELS SO GREAT POSTING AFER LIKE WHAT? 3 MONTHS? Anyways, school has been real fun, with such a nice and MUSICAL class, YEAH MAN! Although we are MEP class, there are some pathetic 6 of us not taking MEP. Including me! So, yeah there are lots and lots of homework, and now we have tons of projects too. Did i ever mention 听写 sucked? Because it is the most suckish thing ever in school ARGH!

Yes, and i am in netball again! YAY! To think that someone as lousy as me to get into it, is really nice :D Yeah.

Well, i am happy about my term 1's results. HAH. But i guess they are all lucky marks. I did not expect to get that. Im just so scared for the next one and hope i am still lucky! :D

Class is fun, most of them are goodie goodie people and no problem being their monitor at all! YEAH! Dunno why, but during math lesson it always gets noisy while other subjects the class is so quiet till you can hear some ant screaming for help. We are like the best class ever! Don't you agree? Yah yah yah!

Today was SUPER BUSY; in the morning we had science common test, for us its BIO. It was quite okay. We like studied all the alcohol and smoking effects, withdrawal symtoms and lots of stuff, but it did not come out. UGH. wasted our time, could have slept at 11! But luckily the paper was not that difficult, if not i would have died. Then we had some hip-hop dance enrichment thingie. OMG. the dance was super hillarious. everyone was laughing at the same time. hahha. ANTEANNA! HAH! After that, we had PE. We had to practice for NAPFA and had to run 3 rounds. My legs were already full of muscle aches on that day, but somehow, after the run, it felt good! Then DENG DENG DENG DENG! INCLINED PULL-UPS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I HATE that. I repeat, I HATE INCLINE PULL-UPS! So irritating, i managed to do only so little. so pathetic.
Aiya, luckily after that was recess. Needed to rest rest :D Then was maths lesson. You know how maths is, just maths ;D. Then english. We had to complete this EXTREMELY difficult comprehension. It was about traditional chinese marriages or something. SO DIFFICULT. And for the meanings part, there was the word ELABORATE.

please write down the meanings of these words. No more than 7 words.
Elaborate: Intimate

WHAT?! i put intimate, how lame is that?! I actually wanted to put intricate. SO STUPID. I think Miss Tan will laugh her head off and think im some dodo. AHH! heh. Then next got what? Oh ya, we had Mass PE. FUN :D Then PC. We had to arrange our tables for the parent-teacher meeting that evening. hah. nothing interesthing there ;D.

Then it was lunch. Oh wait, actually we stayed back to do the arranging of seats and stuff. Didnt each lunch. Eh! We took so long to do it. Why were we given the task to do it? It seems weird.

Anyways after that at 3.30 training started. Seniors had a game so they just told us to run one round outside school then do medicine ball which is 3kg. Yeah. Usual Routine. Then normal ball, 20 each i think. Then Jenna told us not to do anymore and went to the red track netball court, where the nanyang girls were there. We watched our seniors play with them. Well, actually i had to leave like after the first quater of the game because i had duties to do for the parent-teacher meeting. YEHA> I HAD TO CHANGE INTO MY BLOUSE. AFTER NETBALL. ALL SWEATY AND ALL. EEE! yah, and i thought all the parents would run away from me. YES. At first, i had to sell curry puffs and drinks to the parents. But then later on, teacher asked me to help out in the registration. It was like, "hello, good evening, may i know what is your daughter's name and index number? And how many of you are here? Here is your program booklet" It was quite fun doing it :D and i accidnetally said to one parent, here is your health booklet. luckily she did not notice. ahah. Sharon was taking truth and i was taking wisdom and unity. It was like no parents were going to sharon. haha. she was totally bored. So we talked and talked. It was fun! Yeah. And then brought them to class, meet the teacher. Yeah. Today was totally fun. YEAY!

So. This is my post of the 3 months, i think. Forgive me for not writing. Was just too lazy :D So.. till next time! GOODNIGHTIOES DODOS! :D